Your Chosen Path Coaching and Custom Retreats

Friday, August 20, 2010

Body Scan Meditation for Stress

Body Scan Meditation: Why and How

By Elizabeth Scott, M.S., Guide

Updated April 08, 2010

The body scan meditation is a simple and effective way to relieve physical stress.
When you're feeing stressed, it's common to carry stress in your body in the form of tense shoulders, a stomach 'in knots', through shallow breathing, or in other ways. When people carry stress in their bodies, they're often not even aware of it! When we're really stressed, we may be feeling physical discomfort but not connect it with our emotions. A body scan meditation is a practice that can be performed daily or even several times a day, and can help you learn to identify what you are feeling and where you're feeling it, and learn to release the stress in your body and mind. Try a body scan meditation right now!

Difficulty: Easy

Time Required: A Few Minutes

Here's How:

1.Sit in a comfortable place and fully relax your body. Let your breathing slow down, and start breathing from your belly instead of from your chest. (See this for more on breathing exercises to try.)

2.Starting with your head, notice any tension you're feeling as you practice your body scan meditation. Do you feel a feeling of tightness anywhere? Pain? A feeling of concentrated 'energy' around a certain area? Sit with it for a minute and notice what you're feeling.

3.If you notice any uncomfortable sensations, focus on them. Breathe into them, and notice what happens. (Many people notice that the feeling becomes more intense first, and as they continue their body scan meditation and keep their focus, the feeling dissipates.) Keep your awareness on that feeling for a little while, just staying present. Give yourself a little massage in that area if you want to.

4.Next, move down to your neck, and repeat these body scan meditation steps. Notice if there's any tightness, pain or pressure. Breathe into the areas you notice, and stay with the feelings. Gently massage your neck if you wish. Let the energy relax.

5.Continue this practice with each area of your body, moving from head to toe. Notice how you feel, where you're holding your stress, and what sensations you're experiencing as a result. Breathe, meditate, massage and relax. This can help you release tension in your body now, and be more aware of it in the future so you can release it then, too.


1.Practice this body scan meditation any time you feel stress, or several times through the day.

2.If you don't have a lot of time, you can do an abbreviated version of this body scan meditation by just sitting and noticing any place in your body that you're carrying tension, rather than moving group by group. This will become easier as you practice the body scan meditation regularly.

3.The body scan meditation can promote body awareness, stress awareness, and relaxation. Practice it often. You can also try progressive muscle relaxation, visualization breathing, and simple breathing exercises for releasing stress and tension in your body.
If you want to learn more about handling stress, attend the Soul Discovery on Horseback retreat Sept. 30-Oct. 3 at the Southern Cross Guest Ranch!  Contact Teresa for more information.  3 spaces left.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What are you noticing?

I have a very good friend, Helene Van Manen, who is also a coach who always asks, "What are you noticing?"  When someone asks you that question, what do you think?  Are you noticing the sounds of the wind whistling in the trees?  Are you noticing the stifling heat in the air?  Are you noticing the beat of your own heart and the breath of life deep within you? 
At first, you will notice the most obvious.  The sounds of the traffic, sirens blaring in the streets, dogs barking, school buses stopping and starting.  Later, you will notice the more non apparent things such as the tinkling of water from the water fountain, the chirping of the birds and the squawking of the squirrels.  You will start to notice things like your own skin which feels slightly damp from the humidity in the air, the slight taste of garlic in your mouth from lunch, the feeling of contentment deep down. 
Lately, I have noticed new things.  I notice every horse along the roads and watch to see if they look up.  I notice a wandering little black curly haired dog who is possibly not attended to and debate whether to pick it up or not.  I notice how much pride I feel within when my grandson, Ayden, walks into my home and puts his little arms around me.  I even exclaim to him, "My, how you seem to have grown!" (even though it's only been a week since I have seen him.)  The reply from him is, "That's because I am in first grade now, GiGi!"  Oh, so innocent! 
There is so much to notice in this world!  Take the time to notice. 
"What are YOU noticing, now?"
To notice nature and horses, please visit my website for an awesome retreat coming up:  Soul Discovery on Horseback. 

Friday, August 6, 2010

Large animals-Megafauna

Someone told me recently that there is actually a name for large animals.  I never heard of that before.  I decided to look it up and lo and behold, there is a definition! 
Megafauna means large animals. Sometimes, it is used to refer to the unusually large animals of the last ice age, such as mammoths. Sometimes, it is used to refer to large, extinct animals, such as the short-faced bear or the sabre-toothed cat. Sometimes, it is used to refer to dinosaurs. Sometimes, it is used to refer to large, modern animals, such as polar bears and hippopotamus.-Reference
I have always had a fascination with large animals.  I have owned horses, I have a giant Schnauzer, I love elephants, bears and large cats (not the house kind!).  Once you own a giant schnauzer, a miniature schnauzer just doesn't cut it for me! 
Horses always carry a special place in my heart.  During the time as a child, when we owned the horses, my sister and I were totally responsible for their care.  Every morning and night, even when there was school, we would take turns carrying water down to the barn and feeding our 2 horses.  We mucked the barns and stacked the hay.  It wasn't easy but it didn't matter to me.  It was a worthwhile learning experience as a kid to have those big animals dependent on us. 
Now, as an adult, I don't own horses anymore.  Living in Atlanta, the weather here is so hot, I couldn't stand to ride in the summer.  Wintertime is great!  I have recently found a really great farm where I can ride.  They even have my favorite breed-Appaloosa's (see picture below). 

I especially love the leopard Appaloosa's.  This farm, Southern Cross Guest Ranch offers fabulous home cooked food, 2 horse rides per day, luxurious accommodations, a pool and hot tub and more! 
Due to my love of horses and my love for doing retreats, I have decided to combine the two and do horse retreats!  This is really exciting for me!  I have one scheduled for this September 30-October 3 called Soul Discovery on Horseback.  If you would like to know more, contact me at 770-843-9046.
I'm just thrilled to have the opportunity to match 2 things in my life that I love, but isn't that what life is all about?
Teresa Wolf
Your Chosen Path Coaching and Custom Retreats
Direct:  770-843-9056 

Monday, July 26, 2010

Women and Horses Retreat

Are you a woman who loves horses? 
Would you like to combine your love for horses with an awesome leadership retreat at a beautiful horse ranch?  If so, mark on your calendar the dates of October 7-October 10.  More information to follow!

It's about you but not ALL about you!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Getting Rich Faster

I ran across a great article I would like to share:
How to Be Rich Now (When You Wanna Get Rich Quick)

by Christine Kane
Here's a question to ask yourself at random times:
Am I getting ? Or am I being ? When it comes to new paradigms and big dreams , think about this: Getting somewhere is not an option. There is no there to get to.
You gotta just be there. Experience the feelings and the sheer knowingness of that thing you want.  When it comes to wealth, people often struggle because they spend their lives trying to get rich. When you're successful, you're successful now . Artists know this principle well. You don't wait to get creative before you create. You just create. And that is what makes you creative .
The same is true with prosperity .Sound like a load of hooey?
I understand. All I can say is that it worked (and works!) for me. Here are nine simple ways you can BE rich starting right now...
1 - Get on a schedule.
If you have debt, or regular payments of any kind - then automate it, or put it on a schedule. Paying a tiny amount regularly is better than waiting for the big pay-day to arrive. That's because waiting for rescue drains your creative energy. It's a stance of lack. When you schedule things, you eliminate reactivity. This liberates you.
2 - Fill your gas tank.
I was quite poor when I began my career as a songwriter. One of my poor-person habits was to put only five dollars in the tank when I went to the gas station.  One day, I decided to fill up my tank. A seemingly trivial decision, yes. But I felt so rich that I've never considered not filling up my tank since then. Try it! It does wonders for your well-being!
3 - Count Leaves.
Whoever created this Universe didn't fret about abundance . There was no nail-biting and wondering whether all the trees should get leaves. "Maybe I should only put leaves on a few trees. Otherwise we might run out."
It sounds ridiculous. But that's how most of us spend our mental energy.
Count the leaves as they pop out all over this Spring! Observe sand on the beach. Watch a river for a few hours. It just keeps coming! You're a part of this flow. Remember that.
4 - Give.
The world would be quite a wild place if everyone gave constantly. Tithing is the most outrageous act of courage I know. It says, "Thank you. This isn't mine anyway, so have some of it."  Giving creates space . And space gets filled up again. If you feel poor, try giving a little away.
5 - Eliminate nail biting and other nervous habits.
Think dignity. Think Princess Grace or Katharine Hepburn. Would these women of stature and wealth ever stand in the grocery aisle biting their nails because the price of organic oat groats had gone up?  Nervous habits are acts of lack. (I call them Lactions.) Lack of trust. Lack of abundance. Begin letting go by taking a deep breath and remembering trust .
6 - Start a Gratitude Journal.
If you have the "not enoughs," then every night, write down 5 things for which you are grateful.
Remember this: Energy flows where attention goes. Put your attention on joy, beauty, wealth. Celebrate even the smallest shifts. I remember counting every dollar in my tip jar when I first performed in coffeehouses. I'd think: "That's one more dollar I made while not sitting in a cubicle! Yay me!"
7 - Get a million-dollar bill.
I got my first million-dollar bill from a gumball machine. I put it in my wallet. It's so much fun to see whenever I pay for something. I can't give you proof-positive about any subsequent million-dollar-deal I made, but I like seeing it. That's all. It reminds me to be aware of abundance.
8 - Happily pay for services.
One night, after my performance, the promoter handed me a substantial check for my fee. With a smile he said, "This is not nearly enough to pay you for this night."
Ah, to be paid like that all the time!  I try to have his attitude every time I write a check. I make sure to acknowledge the value of that service or product. The attitude with which you pay for things (the outflow) creates the manner of the in-flow. It's one big cycle.
9 - Uplevel your language.
Stop announcing: "I can't afford that." Tell yourself instead: "I'm choosing not to do that right now."  Stop saying: "I'm broke."  Start saying: "My bank account hasn't caught up with my seven-figure business yet!"
Remember this: Your language is your creativity . It is one of the simplest places to start being rich.
Performer, songwriter, and creativity consultant Christine Kane publishes her 'LiveCreative' weekly ezine with more than 11,000 subscribers. If you want to be the artist of your life and create authentic and lasting success, you can sign up for a FRE*E subscription to LiveCreative at .

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sounds and Quiet

I read an interesting article in Readers Digest titled:  Quiet Please.  This article really spoke to me.  I have oftened heard the sounds of modern men and women without really hearing.  George Prochnik writes in the article, "Jackhammers.  Leaf blowers.  Car alarms.  The aggravating, tinny sound coming out of iPod earphones.  We've become so accustomed to noise, there's almost an ingrained prejudice against the idea that silence might be beneficial." 
Isn't that the truth?  I only recently sat on my backporch and really heard the sounds which annoyed me!  Quiet is what we need.  Peace.  How can we think, figure out solutions to problems, get to know our God and get to know ourselves with all this sound????
That's the beauty of having nature.  Natural sounds speak to us just like human words, if we really listen.  Oftentimes people ask why they don't know their mission in life or what God wants for them.  Most times, those same people don't take time to listen. 
So what have you considered while reading this blog? 

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Upcoming writer's retreat!

Nourish Your Inner Writer retreat is being offered April 16-18, 2010 in the beautiful North Georgia mountains!  Only travel about an hour north of Acworth or Woodstock to nature's sanctuary complete with gorgeous mountain views and gurgling Talking Rock creek.  We have Beth Hermes, an author of 4 books who will be leading the group to unleash the writer within.  The food, company and surroundings can't be beat.  For more information, feel free to visit my website at  I invite questions.